Spousal Support

Facilitating Fair and Equitable Financial Resolutions

Many divorcing couples in British Columbia have complex financial situations where one partner’s financial stability relies in full or in part on the income of the other partner. The financial uncertainty of life after divorce can be emotionally draining and a great cause of anxiety. It’s natural to consider litigation as the immediate solution to ensure fair and equitable resolution, however this adversarial approach often ends up harming both parties in the long run.

What is Spousal Support?

Spousal support, also known as alimony or maintenance, is financial assistance provided by one spouse to the other following separation or divorce in BC. Its purpose is to address disparities in income and standard of living between the spouses and to ensure that both parties can maintain a reasonable quality of life post-divorce.

At Easy Way Divorce, we help BC couples navigate important issues in a divorce settlement, guiding you through understanding your needs and expectations. Here’s how we can assist you:

Clarifying Essential Issues
We help you identify and articulate the issues that matter most to you, such as medical conditions, dental coverage, life insurance beneficiaries, and spousal support arrangements.
Navigating Spousal Support
Spousal support, if applicable, is a critical aspect of divorce negotiations. We'll assist in determining the appropriate amount of support, taking into account factors like the length of the marriage, income disparity, economic disadvantages, and earning capacity.
Establishing Entitlement
Unlike child support, there's no automatic obligation for spousal support. We'll help establish whether one spouse is entitled to support based on the unique circumstances of the relationship, following legal considerations and court precedents.
Determining Duration
Once entitlement and amount are established, we'll assist in deciding the duration of support payments, whether through lump-sum payments, property division, review dates, or escalated payments.

Whether you choose court or mediation, you will have to negotiate with your partner— but the assistance of a skilled mediator who understands the dynamics of couples, power imbalances, and legal nuances of divorce in BC can ensure your costs are reduced without cutting corners in your divorce settlement.

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Learn More?

If you’re ready to take the next step toward an easier divorce or legal separation in British Columbia and move forward with your life, we’re here to help. Contact us today to schedule an online consultation call and discover how divorce mediation can pave the way for a brighter future for you and your family.