Mediation of Financial Debts

Finding Resolution and Relief in Debt Division

At Easy Way Divorce, we understand the stress and complexity that can arise when dividing financial debts during a divorce in BC. Divorce often involves the division of various financial liabilities, including mortgages, loans, credit card debt, and other obligations. Our financial mediation services offer a supportive and structured approach to help you navigate this challenging aspect of the process with clarity and fairness. By addressing these issues comprehensively, we ensure that all relevant financial matters are resolved in a single mediation process, minimizing the likelihood of future disputes.

Divorce Should Not Break the Bank.

The Financial Mediation Process at Easy Way Divorce:
Understanding Your Financial Situation
Before delving into mediation sessions, we conduct a thorough assessment of your financial debts. This includes identifying all outstanding obligations, creditor information, payment schedules, and any other relevant details to ensure a clear understanding of your debt landscape.
Facilitated Discussions
Our skilled mediators facilitate open and constructive discussions between you and your spouse regarding the division of financial debts. We provide a safe and supportive environment where you can express your concerns, priorities, and goals for resolving debt issues.
Exploring Options
We help you explore various options for dividing your financial debts, taking into account factors such as income, assets, and future financial stability. Our goal is to help you develop solutions that are fair, sustainable, and conducive to both parties' financial well-being.
Customized Solutions
Whether you have significant debt burdens or more manageable obligations, we work with you to develop customized solutions that address your individual needs.
Comprehensive Separation Agreements
Our mediation process covers all aspects of debt division, including: ● Mortgages ● Loans ● Credit card debt ● Other financial obligations Once the division of debts has been agreed upon between the two parties via divorce mediation, the details will be included in a separation agreement, a legally binding document that outlines the terms of separation.

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Learn More?

If you’re ready to take the next step toward an easier divorce or legal separation in British Columbia and move forward with your life, we’re here to help. Contact us today to schedule an online consultation call and discover how divorce mediation can pave the way for a brighter future for you and your family.